Quarterly Reports (Password Protected)

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Gatherings Quarterly Report on Activities

Form created 1 November 2020

Checklist and advice for a Quarterly Report on Activities and the ReAllocation of Funds
From the Gatherings Principal Investigator (PI)

The Gatherings Executive requests a brief report from each Co-Investigator, outlining general activities, and in particular your spending from any assigned SSHRC budgets, both for your personally assigned funds, and for any Task Force funds over which you have control.  We will review all reports, consult with each of you, and re-assign funds for individual and group projects accordingly.  A regular report serves as follows:

1. With the release of some funds to a General Pool that can be re-allocated for Honoraria and other needs, we require a means to ensure fairness.  The best way to do so is by reviewing requests regularly and at the same time.  

2. The simple fact is that this 'General Pool' will change over time, as all of us continue our research and planning.  A regular report will allow us to manage funds overall with greater fairness.  

3. Some of you will be applying for SSHRC and other funding agencies for personal and Gatherings activities, and a successful application may allow for some transfer of funds to the General Pool.  Nothing like this will be done without discussion, budgeting--and your permission--but it is a possibility.  One of the positive benefits of a PDG is that it provides leverage and seed money for other funding.  

4. Because of changes in your own research, you may find that some of your assigned funds can be released into the 'General Pool'--or you may find that you now require more than the funds originally assigned to you.  In either case, a regular review will be to everyone's benefit.  

5.  Not all Co-Investigators and Partners have the same access to institutional and other alternative funding.  In reviewing the use of remaining funds, we need to be cognizant of any funding we can find elsewhere, that may release some Gatherings funds for others who do not have the same opportunities.  

6.  Note:  There is another template for your use to report on the use of any funds as Honoraria.  This is only a separate 'task' because it helps your PI to submit reports to the University, allowing for the use of an Advance.  It is much easier for him--he thanks you in advance!  

7.  Forms, due dates, and reports notwithstanding, funds often need to be spent as the need arises, often suddenly.  'Paperwork' should not prevent this; so as needs arise, email the PI and he will consult the Executive immediately, between these 'due dates.'  

For reference only. Download the Form from Dropbox folder.

Gatherings Quarterly Report Template 

DUE JAN 15; APR 15; JULY 15; OCT 15. 
Please direct any questions to the Prinicipal Investigator sjohnson.research@gmail.com If preferred, you can provide this information by Word document or email text.  The PI and Executive will remind you of upcoming due-dates for reports, and we will help you  provide this information as that due-date approaches.  This is not meant to be time-consuming; it is a regular 'check' on the status of the project.   

Name of researcher: 

Click or tap here to enter text.


Click or tap here to enter text.

Affiliation of Researcher (with Gatherings, Institution, Partners and Potential Partners, etc)

Click or tap here to enter text.

Description of your research activities (Gatherings and otherwise) over the past three months

Click or tap here to enter text.

Outline of Expenditures over the past three months
(Research Assistantships, Travel, Equipment, etc; exact figures are not necessary)

Click or tap here to enter text.

'Notional' Use of Research Funds remaining in your pre-assigned budget (next twelve months)

Click or tap here to enter text.

'Notional' Research Funding Needs not covered by your pre-assigned funds (next twelve months)

Click or tap here to enter text.

'Notional' Research Funding Available from other sources (Possible SSHRC grants, Institutional Grants)

Click or tap here to enter text.

Past and Proposed Task Force Expenditures (for Co-Chairs of Task Forces only; consider all the categories listed above for personal research--past and prospective expenditures, additional funds required, remaining funds that might be released).

Click or tap here to enter text.