Honoraria Reports (Password Protected)

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Gatherings Honorarium Reimbursement 

Advice for Honorarium Requests, from the Gatherings Principal Investigator (PI) (as of Nov 1, 2020):

Read this in advance:  This document should be read in advance of offering an Honorarium to anyone, and the form on the next page filled out and submitted when you have all the pertinent information.  If you provide the form in advance of the payment, the PI will make every effort to provide  you with the funds you need by e-transfer, so that you will not have to pay out of your own pocket.  The paymenet  of Honoraria are generally restricted to the research conducted by Co-Investigators; but it never hurts to ask!

Use the Quarterly Report if possible:  Under normal circumstances, you should request funding for an Honorarium through the Quarterly Report we will be using for the remainder of our project.  This allows the Executive to plan the dispersal of funds fairly.  That said, we understand that opportunities can arise suddenly, and must be acted on quickly--or the moment will be lost.  Please write to the PI if such an opportunity arises, and you want to have funds in addition to those originally assigned to you--and he will take immediate action.  We want all colleagues to be free to pursue their research without a great deal of prior consultation.  

Who is the Honorarium For?  An Honorarium will normally serve as a payment to an 'Interviewee' or as a payment to anyone involved in a short-term research-related 'opportunity.'  In general, such payments should be restricted to those in the arts community, or student-/early-career members of the academic community, both constituents of paramount importance to the mandate of the Gatherings project, and both deeply affected by the pandemic.  If you have any question concerning eligibility, consult with the PI.

What is an Honorarium?  An Honorarium is clearly defined by SSHRC and the University of Toronto as different from 'Salary' or 'Stipend,' and for this project, we are going to consider  all our work with outside participants in our projects as 'Honoraria,' based on the accompanying form, unless there is a specific request to do otherwise.  We cannot use our funds as 'payment for service.'

How much is an Honorarium?  Requests will normally be for $150-$250.  If you require more than this for any individual, consult the PI in advance of making a commitment.  While we wish to pay more, we have our own financial constraints.  Our hope is that these funds will help our colleagues in at-risk professions, and that their involvement in the project will help them, in addition to the honorarium, by reinforcing their importance to the field, and raising their public profile.  It will also provide a much-needed stimulus to our own research.  PLEASE NOTE:  Smaller amounts provided to individuals, for example as gift cards, as thanks for their involvement, is an eligible expense as an Honorarium.  Contact the PI for more information.   

Honoraria and Consent Forms  Please note that offers of Honoraria should  be kept separate from any Consent Forms or other Contracts generated through your interactions.  Direct any questions  on this matter to the PI.

For reference only. Download the Form from Dropbox folder.

Gatherings Honorarium Request 

This form is to request an honorarium payment from Gatherings.  Please submit in Word

Please direct any questions to the Prinicipal Investigator sjohnson.research@gmail.com 

Name of researcher:  [add text]

Email:  [add text]

Affiliation of Researcher (with Gatherings, Institution, as needed):   [add text}

Purpose of Honorarium (Online Interview or Consult with PI):   [add text]

Honorarium Amount: [add text]

Honorarium Source (Assigned Funds/General Pool): [add text]

Honorarium Recipient Name: [add text]

Honorarium Recipient Contact: [add text]

Please note that all honoraria will be delivered to reimburse you, as Co-Investigator, for the payment to the Recipient, via e-transfer from the Project Director.

Signature of Researcher:

Date [add text]

Signature of Project Investigator

Date [add text]

Date of payment by e-transfer [add text]